Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Ye Olde Switcheroo

 IT"S THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR! Time for me to remind you to swap the closet. Yes, that means take everything spring and summer out and put every fall and winter thing in. Closets are much more fun when they're in season. Looking back, I've written about this a few times. See how good I am at reminders? Who wants to dig through shorts and tanks for a velvet blazer? No fun on a busy morning. It takes me about an hour, but it's finished for now, at least until March. Hallelujah! Now I can get on to other things. I place the most convenient things for the season at the easiest location. Tights all together. Cardigans all together. Nothing is out of its own category. I store the other seasonal items in containers under the bed or in my closet. Safe from air and such. This includes shoes and bags, nothing is left out. It makes me feel like I'm opening a whole new wardrobe. I see those things I haven't seen in awhile and it's fabulous. I fold most things on shelves, much easier! Organization, one of life's simple pleasures.

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