Thursday, September 6, 2012

Dollar Tree Mesh Bags

If you have no idea what this is, bless your heart. Get up from the computer, get your car keys, and go to the Dollar Tree. They are waiting there for you. Not my all time favorite stop in the world, but fabulous for a few key items. I am DEDICATED to washing my clothes in these mesh bags. They help clothes last longer, prevent stretching, and keep items with button/hooks separated. Laundry is a delicate task. It should be treated as one. It also happens to be my favorite chore, so I can talk it up. If I'm going to spend so much time washing, folding, ironing, and steaming, you better believe I'm going to make it worth my while. A mere $1 investment can make a huge improvement in the care of your wardrobe. These come in all shapes and sizes to fit your needs. If I've said it once, I've said it a million times, "There are some bandwagons you just need to hop on."

P.S. Other great finds THERE

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