Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Who said, "Times Daily?"

Oh my word, literally. One of my goals in life has been met this very Wednesday. When I started this blog a year ago, I dreamed of one day having my words reach the media somehow. After a year of waiting, it has finally happened. An article on my recipes ran today in the Times Daily. Nothing feels better than the satisfaction of having a goal or dream come true. I look at the article and I cannot believe my recipes are there! WOW! For that, I have all of you readers to thank. You have helped me spread the word about my blog. You have stopped me in Target, texted me, and emailed me to ask all kinds of questions. I have left our brief conversations over countertop suggestions or what's for dinner wondering if you know how much it means to me that you even stop and ask. I want to hear more, learn more, and connect more with you! I wish I could thank every one of you in person for the confidence and inspiration you've given me. You are the reason I keep on blogging. I do have to give a shout out to my cousin-in-law Abby and her co-worker Jennifer for getting me on board for a cooking demonstration at the library. It was such a fun event and I gave out all my samples! No pressure to perform when a journalist shows up. Haha! I love talking to people about anything and telling them of my culinary passions made it quite memorable. So, thank you again, readers, you've taken little Home of Owl and given it big wings. For that, I am forever grateful.
Check out my article here:,183109
Photo courtesy: Times Daily

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